• Current transfer ratio (CTR:MIN.50% at IF =5mA ,VCE =5V)
• High isolation voltage between input and output (Viso=5000 V rms )
• Compact dual-in-line package :EL817*:1-channel type
• UL approved (No. E214129)
• VDE approved (No. 132249)
• SEMKO approved (No. 0143133/01-03)
• NEMKO approved (No. P00102385)
• DEMKO approved (No. 310352-04)
• FIMKO approved (No. FI 16763A2)
• CSA approved (No. 1143601)
• BSI approved (No. 8592 / 8593)
• Options available:
- Leads with 0.4”(10.16mm) spacing (M Type)
- Leads bends for surface mounting (S Type)
- Tape and Reel of TypeⅠ for SMD(Add”-TA” Suffix)
- Tape and Reel of TypeⅡ for SMD(Add”-TB” Suffix)
- The tape is 16mm and is wound on a 33cm reel
The EL817 series contains a infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a phototransistor. It is packaged in a 4-pin DIP package and available in wide-lead spacing and SMD option.
• Computer terminals
• System appliances, measuring instruments
• Registers, copiers, automatic vending machines
• Cassette type recorder
• Electric home appliances, such as fan heaters, etc.
• Signal transmission between circuits of different potentials and impedances