ITR9904 Features
․Fast response time
․High analytic
․High sensitivity
․Cut-off visible wavelength λP=940nm
․Pb free
․This product itself will remain within RoHS compliant version
ITR9904 Descriptions
The ITR9904 consists of an infrared emitting diode and an NPN silicon phototransistor, encased oblique angle (45°) on converging optical axis in a black Thermo-plastic housing. The phototransistor receives radiation from the IRED only, and avoids the noise from ambient light.
ITR9904 Applications
․Mouse Copier
․Switch Scanner
․Floppy disk driver
․Non-contact Switching
․For Direct Board
ITR9904 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25℃)
Input Power Dissipation at(or below) 25℃ Free Air Temperature( Pd) 75mW
Input Reverse Voltage (VR) 5V
Input Forward Current ( IF) 50mA
Input Peak Forward Current ( IFP) 1.0 A
Output Collector Power Dissipation (PC)75mW
Output Collector Current( IC) 20mA
Output Collector-Emitter Voltage (BVCEO) 30V
Output Emitter-Collector Voltage( BVECO) 5V
Operating Temperature (Topr) -25~+80℃
Storage Temperature (Tstg) -40~+85℃
Lead Soldering Temperature (Tsol )260 ℃≦5sec
ITR9904 Electro-Optical Characteristics (Ta=25℃)
Input Forward Voltage VF ---(Typ)1.2~(Max )1.5 V ---IF=20mA
Input Reverse Current IR --- (Max)10uA--- VR=5V
Input Peak Wavelength λP ---(Typ) 940nm--- IF=20mA
Input View Angle 2θ1/2---(Typ)35Deg--- IF=20mA
Output Dark Current ICEO --- (Max)100nA--- VCE=20V,Ee=0mW/cm2
Output C-E Saturation voltage VCE(sat) ---(Max)0.4V--- IC=2mA ,Ee=1mW/cm2
Transfer Characteristics Collector Current IC(ON) 100~1200uA---VCE=5V, IF=20mA
Transfer Characteristics Rise time tr --- (Typ)15 us--- VCE=5V IC=1mA RL=1KΩ
Transfer Characteristics Fall time tf --- (Typ)15us--- VCE=5V IC=1mA RL=1KΩ